
Where are the non-creepers?

Dating An Engineer

5 Essential Tips for Dating Someone with Kids

The fundamentals of keeping long-distance love healthy

When He Gives You A Drawer

Great Textpectations

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The Benefits of a Long Distance Relationship

Should I Stay or Should I Go

I’m a graduate of Columbia myself, and knowing what I do about the intense workload I would recommend definitely NOT living together.


Sure, you may have been together for 1 year and 4 months…but how many months out of that time was spent apart during summer and winter breaks?


Why jeopardize your 50K/yr studies for the convenience of having your boyfriend around?  Trust me, only a relatively few relationships work out past graduation and I don’t want you to graduate feeling that your sacrifices weren’t worth it.  I know having a huge double (in EC, I assume?) may seem nice compared to the relatively crappy housing that Columbia offers, but I suggest you and your bf weigh out the pros and cons.  It’s totally doable to room with your buds and just stay over at your bf’s, and vice versa.



draymond's avatar


wrote on February 11 2010 @ 11:15 am: [report]


There is a difinite contradiction in the first letter. she says “But I know that being roommates can bring a lot of other things into the relationship that we never had to deal with before, and I don’t know if we’re ready for that” and then follows with “I’m not really concerned about us breaking up”.  Well, what did she think would happen if it turns out ‘that they aren’t ready for that’?  They would break up!


The bottom line is whether they are willing to take on a whole new set of challenges and opportunities in their relationship.  Eventually a relationship needs to be about, for example, helping each other have enough time to get their committments filled.  If they are still at the point in their relationship when they are primarily acting as a distraction from responsibilites then they aren’t ready to live together.

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